puppy pics & feral update

On Tuesday I went to the SPCA with our fancy new digital camera, and took pictures of all of their dogs and cats for the SPCA website. Besides being a needed service, as they don’t seem to have any shutter-happy staff at the moment, it was also TONS OF FUN. These puppies nearly ate me alive, though. I have pom-poms on the laces of my boots, and they went to town trying to rip them off. When I bent down to rescue my laces, one of the puppies’ teeth got stuck in my wool sweater. When I bent further to dislodge that puppy, another one yoinked my braid. I was seriously close to panic. Did I mention that while all of this was going on, another puppy was chewing on the back of my calf? I just barely escaped with my life. I got the pictures, though.
We are continuing to spend time taming the feral cats. Demeter is really doing great. She has discovered that she really really likes being petted, and that we will pet her if she butts her head against our hands. She still hides when we enter the room, but can now be coaxed out of hiding with some salmon treats in a relatively short period of time. She climbed into my arms the other day while being petted. Sophie (the mother of Gus, if you’ve read previous posts), on the other hand, is still just an angry lump at the back of her kennel. I put on my ski gloves yesterday and reached in finally, despite the continuing hisses. She did not strike out at me, which is good. But she didn’t really seem to like being touched or petted, which is a tiny bit dis-heartening. Since she’s not aggressive, I petted her for a bit without the gloves on, but she only crouched there looking angry, and hissed every once in a while. *Sigh*. I will continue with this treatment until something happens, I guess. Not much else we can do.
From now on, I will be calling Sophie "Angry Sophie". She'd be satisfied to know that, I think.