cat switch, dog update
It's been a while since I updated, and we've had a few changes. Spot the SPCA cat went back to the shelter for adoption, and our feral cat contact asked us to take in a semi-feral cat and try to tame him up.

His name is Texel and he was trapped at a feral feeding station in bad shape. He's not a big tough guy, so was unable to fight for his own share of the food and was pretty skinny and scruffy upon capture. His confidence is very low and he needs to just be in a place of security and comfort until he comes around.
He was released into my bedroom, promptly slunk under my bed, and lived there for about a week. I would wake up at 3am and hear him eating his evening serving of wet food or using the litter box (which is not under the bed). He then ventured out of our room and chose a new hiding spot: under Arlo's futon, strangely enough. (Yes my dog has his own futon to sleep on.) I guess Tex isn't that concerned about dogs!
I've been squeezing under whatever hiding spot he's at and petting him for a few minutes every evening. For you long-term readers, Tex arrived here at about the same stage of tameness that Angry Sophie was at when she left our house for her second foster home. Since Tex is so submissive, he'll let you touch him even if he doesn't like the idea, which makes things easier for us. Since he's not a fighter I don't have to use gloves and he doesn't get himself riled up into a rage or panic - he just lays as flat as he can and submits, which means he's learning that being petted is a nice thing more quickly than some cats would. He's actually already come around quite a bit, and last night, after having him for about two weeks, he started purring while I was petting him! I just about broke my neck from being awkwardly wormed under the futon with my arm stuck above my body petting him and my neck bent at a five thousand degree angle to watch his reaction - but it was worth it. I wasn't sure at first if he was actually purring; it was so quiet, but it got louder and I was very happy to hear it.
Tex is going back to our feral cat contact for three weeks while we take a road trip with the dogs, but we'll have him back again mid-September and I'll let you know how he's doing then.
Oliver update:

Oliver the Min Pin has settled in and acts as though he's always lived here. House training is improving but we're not at 100% yet. He's learned to sit and stay, and is in the process of learning down. He and Arlo love to play together! Oliver splays his legs in all directions and bats at Arlo's head and bites his ears, and Arlo in turn puts Oliver's body in his mouth and growls. It's really funny to watch.
Both dogs will be coming with us on a road trip to the Yukon in the near future. Oliver will make sure to pack his new sweater and jacket! Arlo will fit right in with those rough-and-tumble northern dogs, but Oliver the teensy city boy will turn many heads I'm sure.
In other news:
Linus the Greyhound is still doing great in his new home. He has made a few good canine friends in his new hometown and apparently has a stubborn streak! I'm sure we'll have some good stories to tell you about this guy as time goes on.

His name is Texel and he was trapped at a feral feeding station in bad shape. He's not a big tough guy, so was unable to fight for his own share of the food and was pretty skinny and scruffy upon capture. His confidence is very low and he needs to just be in a place of security and comfort until he comes around.
He was released into my bedroom, promptly slunk under my bed, and lived there for about a week. I would wake up at 3am and hear him eating his evening serving of wet food or using the litter box (which is not under the bed). He then ventured out of our room and chose a new hiding spot: under Arlo's futon, strangely enough. (Yes my dog has his own futon to sleep on.) I guess Tex isn't that concerned about dogs!
I've been squeezing under whatever hiding spot he's at and petting him for a few minutes every evening. For you long-term readers, Tex arrived here at about the same stage of tameness that Angry Sophie was at when she left our house for her second foster home. Since Tex is so submissive, he'll let you touch him even if he doesn't like the idea, which makes things easier for us. Since he's not a fighter I don't have to use gloves and he doesn't get himself riled up into a rage or panic - he just lays as flat as he can and submits, which means he's learning that being petted is a nice thing more quickly than some cats would. He's actually already come around quite a bit, and last night, after having him for about two weeks, he started purring while I was petting him! I just about broke my neck from being awkwardly wormed under the futon with my arm stuck above my body petting him and my neck bent at a five thousand degree angle to watch his reaction - but it was worth it. I wasn't sure at first if he was actually purring; it was so quiet, but it got louder and I was very happy to hear it.
Tex is going back to our feral cat contact for three weeks while we take a road trip with the dogs, but we'll have him back again mid-September and I'll let you know how he's doing then.
Oliver update:

Oliver the Min Pin has settled in and acts as though he's always lived here. House training is improving but we're not at 100% yet. He's learned to sit and stay, and is in the process of learning down. He and Arlo love to play together! Oliver splays his legs in all directions and bats at Arlo's head and bites his ears, and Arlo in turn puts Oliver's body in his mouth and growls. It's really funny to watch.
Both dogs will be coming with us on a road trip to the Yukon in the near future. Oliver will make sure to pack his new sweater and jacket! Arlo will fit right in with those rough-and-tumble northern dogs, but Oliver the teensy city boy will turn many heads I'm sure.
In other news:
Linus the Greyhound is still doing great in his new home. He has made a few good canine friends in his new hometown and apparently has a stubborn streak! I'm sure we'll have some good stories to tell you about this guy as time goes on.