More interest in Koobee

Well, it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster today. There have been two applications submitted for Koobee! HOWEVER, one is from out of the province, so I'm not sure how well that will work, and the other is from a family who potentially already has a new dog (on a trial run). This brings the total applications to five, and she's still here. Sigh.
On a brighter note, the next dog we had been asked to foster after Koobee gets adopted, has an adoption pending! Yay Princess! She was expected to be a hard-to-place dog, but there you have it. Nothing is ever certain with this kind of stuff.
We will get to catch up with one of our previous foster dogs, aptly named "Foster", this weekend when we dogsit him and his new sister while the family has a party. That should be fun.
I hope you enjoy this pic of Koobee hamming it up for the camera. She started wiggling around on the floor on her back, right when I was trying to get a "glamour shot". :)
Well, if Koobee goes and you get lonely for another lovey bully girl, there's always Bambi in Duncan! A trainer has been doing work with her recently and she is said to be a very smart, sweet girl. Arlo and she might just be a great match!
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