feral update & greyhound news

We are seeing some (VERY SUBTLE) progress with Angry Sophie. She will now eat a treat when a human is near her, and yesterday when I was tossing treats to her, her ears were not in their normal defensive attack-mode position. They were upright and forward, which is much less stressed out body language than normal for her.
Demeter is still a silly kitten, only now she is apparently a silly kitten with a forever home awaiting her arrival! We are expecting them to come pick her up this weekend, but I have not heard from them yet so we'll see. Her new home already has another feral kitten, so it sounds like it will be a really good match. She's become more bouncy and wired lately - she doesn't want to be petted; she wants to stalk your hand and attack it.
There is a cubby at the top of the stairs in the cats' room where the two of them have been hanging out a lot lately. It is quite high up and I cannot reach it without standing on a chair. I'm sort of conflicted about it. Cats like high, sheltered nooks - they feel safe and in charge there. On the other hand, allowing them to always hide in their nook reduces human contact, which is something our feral girls need right now since we are trying to turn them into well-adjusted domestic cats. Hmm...I think I will ask Donna about this the next time I'm talking to her.
On the dog front, still all planning and no action. We are apparently getting two greyhounds on Sunday, a girl named "Persuasion" (her call-name is Peanut) and a boy named "Iruska Simba". Those poor greyhounds get saddled with with such silly names. It doesn't really matter though; most of them have no idea that they have a name anyway when they're fresh from the track.
And...dare I say it? Our on-again, off-again plans to foster Trinity, the Ontario puppy-mill Pit Bull, are tentatively on again. I will spare you the details until things firm up either way. Again. ;)
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