foster cats, therapy, & greyhounds
Spot the sick SPCA cat apparently didn't need any time to acclimatize himself to our home. He was brought in and from the very first moment he was like "oh, this is where I'm living for now? Fine!" He is naturally a content cat, I think.

He's also a playful thing - he likes to "attack" your hands or feet if you provoke him by, say, grabbing his belly a few times. (It's not hard - he'll roll over for you to make his belly easier to grab.) Then he works himself up into a predatory frenzy until he can't help it any more and goes popping around the room like a kernel of corn in hot butter.
He also likes sleeping in the tub, flat on his back, or curled up in the sink. Definitely a quirky cat!
In other news, Lily the pit bull PASSED HER TESTING for therapy work!! Yay!! The vet said she passed the behaviour evaluation with flying colours. She got her paperwork done last weekend and during the week we took her on her very first therapy visit to the Boys and Girls Club. Arlo came along too, of course. Lately we've been visiting once a week with a group of teens that have been involved with the justice system. It's a daunting venue to go to - it's not exactly on par with a nursing home or a pre-school class, but when we get there we have a great time. Youth workers are present at all times and help direct the visits. We've met some nice kids, and a couple of them have made really strong connections with the dogs. It's incredibly rewarding to see - I don't think I can emphasize that enough. I feel like maybe I'm making a difference in someone's life. Well, I guess Arlo and Lily are, but I'm helping!
Still more news:
Remember how I said the Greyhounds are coming? Here's a picture of Saxon, from the batch that we fostered last winter.

Anyway, I'm making my sister adopt a Greyhound! Just kidding - she actually wants a dog and has really liked greyhounds for a long time. I'm trying to help her get one. We aren't 100% sure whether everything will come together - there are a lot of obstacles to overcome still - but we're trying to get her one from the shipment that's coming up to the island, and if it works out you can be sure I'll tell you all about it. Wish us luck!!

He's also a playful thing - he likes to "attack" your hands or feet if you provoke him by, say, grabbing his belly a few times. (It's not hard - he'll roll over for you to make his belly easier to grab.) Then he works himself up into a predatory frenzy until he can't help it any more and goes popping around the room like a kernel of corn in hot butter.
He also likes sleeping in the tub, flat on his back, or curled up in the sink. Definitely a quirky cat!
In other news, Lily the pit bull PASSED HER TESTING for therapy work!! Yay!! The vet said she passed the behaviour evaluation with flying colours. She got her paperwork done last weekend and during the week we took her on her very first therapy visit to the Boys and Girls Club. Arlo came along too, of course. Lately we've been visiting once a week with a group of teens that have been involved with the justice system. It's a daunting venue to go to - it's not exactly on par with a nursing home or a pre-school class, but when we get there we have a great time. Youth workers are present at all times and help direct the visits. We've met some nice kids, and a couple of them have made really strong connections with the dogs. It's incredibly rewarding to see - I don't think I can emphasize that enough. I feel like maybe I'm making a difference in someone's life. Well, I guess Arlo and Lily are, but I'm helping!
Still more news:
Remember how I said the Greyhounds are coming? Here's a picture of Saxon, from the batch that we fostered last winter.

Anyway, I'm making my sister adopt a Greyhound! Just kidding - she actually wants a dog and has really liked greyhounds for a long time. I'm trying to help her get one. We aren't 100% sure whether everything will come together - there are a lot of obstacles to overcome still - but we're trying to get her one from the shipment that's coming up to the island, and if it works out you can be sure I'll tell you all about it. Wish us luck!!