Victoria got a rare snowfall and the dogs are LOVING it. Epic does this funny walk when she's excited - she keeps her front legs straight and lifts them up really high with each step - it looks like she's goose-stepping or something. Well, she's been doing it every time she goes outside since the s

now started falling yesterday. We now have about a foot of snow on the ground and there is more to come.
The dogs played for a long time in the yard this morning and they both enjoyed the snow immensely. They were zooming all around, eating snow, bouncing, falling over, jumping on each other, and just having a blast!!
(For anyone reading this who doesn't live on the island,

this snow is a big deal. We've lived here for four or five years and this is more snow than all the previous snow from the past four winters combined.)
I love the pic where Epic is eating the snow off the tree while Arlo watches! That's just too cute.
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