A Texel Update
Tex continues to progress in his own subtle way. He'll purr within seconds of being touched now, and he will also allow himself to be hoisted onto the bed for some petting, although he soon slinks away if he's not (gently) held in place. He'll purr while being held out in the open too, so hopefully soon he will decide that hiding all the time is not necessary. We'll see.

He's been grooming more lately, and we find little tufts of his long black fur in various parts of the house.
One funny thing that he's started doing is meowing, presumably at us, while hiding under the bed. Not quietly, either. I'll be reading a book on the bed and suddenly he starts in with "MEOW? MEOW? MEOW?" and so on. Last time I answered him, and he kept doing it, so at least I know he's not scared to make his presence known. He's only done it a couple of times, but it's so cute and encouraging - I hope he continues with this endearing behaviour.

He's been grooming more lately, and we find little tufts of his long black fur in various parts of the house.
One funny thing that he's started doing is meowing, presumably at us, while hiding under the bed. Not quietly, either. I'll be reading a book on the bed and suddenly he starts in with "MEOW? MEOW? MEOW?" and so on. Last time I answered him, and he kept doing it, so at least I know he's not scared to make his presence known. He's only done it a couple of times, but it's so cute and encouraging - I hope he continues with this endearing behaviour.
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