Cuinn's first week

Cuinn has settled in well here. He is no longer crying for his former family, but he does cry to go outside. He also cries for supper, and also, he cries if another dog is sleeping on his bed when he wants to be on it. But he doesn't cry all the time, which is the important part. It's his communication tool!
Cuinn is still loving his walks. When we pass by strange dogs he sometimes gets excited and wants to say hi. We recently had a tiny Papillon mix named Roxie come to visit us and Cuinn LOVED her. I think he would do really well to go to a home with another female dog, although he gets along fine with the males as well. While he's in the house, he loves laying (preferably on his bed) in the same room as us. His needs are simple!

We're still working on the separation anxiety and really, anxiety in general, but as long as he knows what the routine is he is able to relax a bit.
He's not much for playing with toys, but he does seem to love his treats. Cuinn came to us without any apparent knowledge of basic training commands, so we are veeeery slowly teaching him "down". Although he's not a purebred Greyhound, he does not seem to sit EVER, a trait that is not uncommon to Greyhounds due to the shape of their bodies. Instead of sit, we are rewarding him when he lies down and we will use that in replacement of the "sit" command. It will do him some good to have a job to do to earn cookies from us. If we master that command while he's here, we'll incorporate the "stay", and feeding time with three dogs (four when Roxie was here) will be SO MUCH EASIER. Ahem.

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