Koobee's adoption approved!

Alriiiiiight - Koobee's out-of-province adoption has been completely approved!! Homecheck is done and everyone has had great things to say about this family. Mark and I are super happy but I think Mark is a bit sad that Koobee will be going soon. Not that I'm saying 'good riddance' or anything - I think he just has a bit of a harder time saying goodbye to foster animals than I do. I'm always so happy that there's a home that has put in the effort to get approved for these animals, and they want to love them for ever and ever!!
So there's no word yet on when we'll be shipping her out. We have to get our hands on a smaller crate for her and then find out what day/time we are supposed to take her to the airport. One sort of sad thing is that I got a call from another family who had also applied to adopt her - the family who already had the "dog on trial" when I phoned them last time. Well, they called and told me that the previous owners couldn't part with the trial dog, so they are still very interested in Koobee. I felt bad. They would have been a really great family to adopt her, too. I'm hoping Sam will talk to them about one of the other Bully Buddies dogs maybe - it would be nice to see them still adopt a pit bull, since this breed gets no breaks when it comes to the rescue system. They seem to sit in the shelters longer than almost any other breed.
The house will be very empty of animals soon. In addition to Koobee, the chinchillas will be going back to the SPCA in just another two days. I know I haven't mentioned them before - we have a mother chinchilla and her two babies while the babies grow old enough to be adopted. The time is near, so they'll be out of here very soon and then we won't have a single foster animal. That has not happened in almost a year! Wow! I'm hoping that I get an update from Bully Buddies about Koobee's new home once she gets there. She'll have a new brother - a 5 month old puppy - to play with, and from what I've heard about him they'll be best friends in no time. I'll keep you posted on how that goes if I hear anything.
Yay Koobee! That's awesome news, she's such a sweetie pie of a dog.
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