indefinite hiatus
We've had some major upheaval in our household recently. Through no fault of our own, we have been forced to move out of our fostering-friendly rental suite. We don't know when we will be able to foster again - it will depend on the relationship we develop with our new landlord. For our friends who haven't heard the story behind this, email me or leave a comment and I'll fill you in on the dirt.
Sophie has been handed off to a kind soul who wasn't even approached about fostering - she heard about our situation and simply offered to take her on. The timing for poor (no longer Angry) Sophie could not have been more heart-wrenching. Within a week she had gone from
barely being touchable to purring and leaning into our hands for more while being petted. And then we had to trap her and send her elsewhere. Our feral cat person was confident that the change would not affect her progress, and any setbacks would be minor and temporary. I hope so! I will post an update about her as soon as I get any news about her.
For those of you who have followed this blog, thanks for your interest. I really enjoyed writing about our temporary animals.
Don't stop coming by though!
For the time being I'll post stories about animals that we fostered before the blog was started. Hopefully before too long we'll be able to start in with fostering again and the adventure will continue...
Sophie has been handed off to a kind soul who wasn't even approached about fostering - she heard about our situation and simply offered to take her on. The timing for poor (no longer Angry) Sophie could not have been more heart-wrenching. Within a week she had gone from

For those of you who have followed this blog, thanks for your interest. I really enjoyed writing about our temporary animals.
Don't stop coming by though!
For the time being I'll post stories about animals that we fostered before the blog was started. Hopefully before too long we'll be able to start in with fostering again and the adventure will continue...
Thank-you so much for fostering so many animals, and through this blog enabling them to find wonderful homes!
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