dogsitting & a Zerra update
GREAT news - Zerra is out of the SPCA kennel and settling into her new foster home in Vancouver! She's sooo much better off in a foster home. Thanks to Bully Buddies for finding space for her - this is one dog that just couldn't stay in the shelter.
We dog-sat for a Hugabull foster dog this past weekend, because her foster mom was going to be out of the house for the majority of the weekend. It was fun - Paris is a high-energy, goofy pit bull puppy who wanted to zoom all around our house and jump on top of our dog Arlo at every opportunity. Arlo was not sure what to think of her at times, but they got along well and played quite a bit on walks.
She was fun to have around - she has a really nice personality and, as we find with so many of the pit bulls, was really eager to make us happy. We haven't had a puppy in the house for so long that I'd almost forgotten what it's like. She is definitely a Princess, but not in the nasty "I have to have my own way and everyone else can stuff it" kind of way. She just has a plus-sized personality that dominates any room she is in. At the end of the day, despite the huge dog bed on our bedroom floor, Paris decided that she needed to keep us company in our own bed, and snored the night away contentedly while occasionally kicking me in the face. (But not very often.) She added much hilarity to the weekend and it really was fun to have her around.
Mark tried to take some pictures of Paris, but she thought he was playing and kept growling and howling at the camera. Can't you just hear the growl when you look at this picture?

Anyway it made for an interesting weekend. We might get her again this coming weekend, too. If we do I'm sure there will be funny stories to post.
P.S. - I know Paris looks a lot like Zerra, but they're two different dogs! Really!
We dog-sat for a Hugabull foster dog this past weekend, because her foster mom was going to be out of the house for the majority of the weekend. It was fun - Paris is a high-energy, goofy pit bull puppy who wanted to zoom all around our house and jump on top of our dog Arlo at every opportunity. Arlo was not sure what to think of her at times, but they got along well and played quite a bit on walks.
She was fun to have around - she has a really nice personality and, as we find with so many of the pit bulls, was really eager to make us happy. We haven't had a puppy in the house for so long that I'd almost forgotten what it's like. She is definitely a Princess, but not in the nasty "I have to have my own way and everyone else can stuff it" kind of way. She just has a plus-sized personality that dominates any room she is in. At the end of the day, despite the huge dog bed on our bedroom floor, Paris decided that she needed to keep us company in our own bed, and snored the night away contentedly while occasionally kicking me in the face. (But not very often.) She added much hilarity to the weekend and it really was fun to have her around.
Mark tried to take some pictures of Paris, but she thought he was playing and kept growling and howling at the camera. Can't you just hear the growl when you look at this picture?

Anyway it made for an interesting weekend. We might get her again this coming weekend, too. If we do I'm sure there will be funny stories to post.
P.S. - I know Paris looks a lot like Zerra, but they're two different dogs! Really!
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