chinch update etc.
Cecilia, our adult female foster chinchilla, has been taken back to the SPCA. She was to be adopted to someone looking to add a second chinchie to their household, but after we took her back it was decided to send that person home with a male chinchilla instead. We left her there since we're not exactly sure how old the boys are and we don't want any more baby chinchillas if we can help it!
I've been checking on Cecilia during my shifts at the SPCA. She seems to be doing well there. She's right next door to another female chinchilla. Unfortunately the two can't be put in the same cage because the other female is a big grump, but maybe the next female to come back from a foster home can keep Cecilia company.
Meanwhile, back at our place, Ramon is fine but Fernando was a bit stressed out by Cecilia's departure. He pulled some of his tail hair out in protest (poor boy!) but seems otherwise fine. We will keep an eye on him and feed him extra treats for the time being.
Our own dog Arlo went to a pre-school on Wednesday with our Animal Therapy group. The therapy group represented to the max with like eight dogs, (don't read this part mom) two snakes, and a llama. Mom, I told you not to read that part and you DID ANYWAY. I know it. Don't call me and tell me how awful (don't read this part mom) snakes are.
The kids had a blast. At one point, Arlo got swarmed by a huge group of them, and every time he looked at one of the kids they would shriek and giggle. He was looking at them all in quick succession, so it was nothing but a mass of shrieking, giggling kids. Did I say it was really really fun yet? Because it was fun, and hilarious.
We went upstairs to a separate preschool class for some disabled kids. There were only three or four kids there, but it was just as fun because the kids all got some one-on-one time with whichever animals they were interested in. Which was all of the animals, in rapid succession. I could NOT be a preschool teacher.
On the way home Arlo was so very tired! He was wired for the first 30 feet of the walk home, and then he either plodded by my side or dragged behind. He then crashed on his bed for the afternoon.
Here's a frivolous puppy picture, because I can't take pictures of Arlo while he's doing therapy work. This is our friend's new puppy - a Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren, to be exact).
I've been checking on Cecilia during my shifts at the SPCA. She seems to be doing well there. She's right next door to another female chinchilla. Unfortunately the two can't be put in the same cage because the other female is a big grump, but maybe the next female to come back from a foster home can keep Cecilia company.
Our own dog Arlo went to a pre-school on Wednesday with our Animal Therapy group. The therapy group represented to the max with like eight dogs, (don't read this part mom) two snakes, and a llama. Mom, I told you not to read that part and you DID ANYWAY. I know it. Don't call me and tell me how awful (don't read this part mom) snakes are.
The kids had a blast. At one point, Arlo got swarmed by a huge group of them, and every time he looked at one of the kids they would shriek and giggle. He was looking at them all in quick succession, so it was nothing but a mass of shrieking, giggling kids. Did I say it was really really fun yet? Because it was fun, and hilarious.
We went upstairs to a separate preschool class for some disabled kids. There were only three or four kids there, but it was just as fun because the kids all got some one-on-one time with whichever animals they were interested in. Which was all of the animals, in rapid succession. I could NOT be a preschool teacher.
On the way home Arlo was so very tired! He was wired for the first 30 feet of the walk home, and then he either plodded by my side or dragged behind. He then crashed on his bed for the afternoon.
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