His name is Linus

This turned up in my email inbox last weekend when the greyhounds were en route to Victoria. To be sung to the tune of "Copacabana":
His name is Linus
He's on a bus now
Coming up from a Kansas track
And he will never go back
He lived the fast life
but couldn't cut it
not making money for the track
so they're giving him the sack
He won't race anymore
and he'll get used to floors
lots of treats and great big new bed
who could ask for more?
Oh, the greyhounds are moving on up
they're coming up on a great big bus
Yeah the greyhounds are moving on up
So tired of racing I'm gone crazy waiting
Oh the greyhounds are HERE!!!!
...do you think my sister was a bit excited about her potential new dog??

She's been calling Whistler Ian "WIPL", which stands for "Whistler Ian, potential Linus", because we still don't know 100% if he's going to be her dog yet (but by now I think the answer is "yes"). He showed some behaviour upon arrival that made the greyhound people think that perhaps he hadn't handled the trip well, and they were nervous about sending him on another trip to Ontario.
Since then, he's settled right in and the strange things he was doing have stopped or been shown to be something benign. He initially tried to back out of his collar when he first arrived, which was taken as possibly a fear of humans, but we've discovered that he ALWAYS did it right before trying to poo, and four days later it's stopped. We think he just wasn't used to being on a leash and doing #2 at the same time.
He was also very aloof both with people and with the other greyhounds when they arrived. He seems like a somewhat reserved dog. Now that he's been here a few days he often follows around the other dogs - like if there is action going on, he makes sure he's with the other two investigating, or if everyone is sleeping in one room, he usually goes there too.

He's doing very well. He learned stairs without hesitation - he just went slowly and deliberately down the first set I tried him on, and although he takes it slow, he can go down stairs like a pro. Going up is a bit more awkward but nothing horrible.
We haven't seen a tail wag, but he will approach us for attention (and treats!) and he doesn't seem very stressed about all the new stuff in his world. In fact, he's a downright curious guy.

We'll continue packing on the food to get some fat on those bones of his, and if all goes well, he may very well be on his way to Ontario this Sunday! Wish him luck.
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