we're failed fosterers

We have become the owners of a dog that is half the size of a cat. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? I didn't think I was a small dog person, but for the first time we have become "failed fosterers", and in a spectacularly unexpected way. We took Oliver the Miniature Pinscher home for the Canada Day long weekend at the request of my boss at the SPCA. Oliver was recovering from surgery and needed to recuperate in a softer environment than the shelter. By the end of the weekend I couldn't face taking him back and having some random stranger adopt him and take him away from me forever. What if they bought a purse to put him in? What if they tied a bow around his head or put frou-frou clothing on him? Noooooo!!
Therefore, after much thought and discussion we have become the owners of a little dog. My excuse is that we don't discriminate. He never asked to be born into a teensy tiny body. Why should I scorn him for it?
Oliver is an eight month old purebred Min Pin who was left tied to a tree in the woods for two days before someone phoned the SPCA to come rescue him. He is a charming little guy who likes to be in your arms BUT will not beg to be picked up every two seconds. I refuse to carry a dog who is supposed to be out on a walk, and this guy loves to be outside on his own four feet. He likes to meet other dogs and also happens to be great with cats. He doesn't bark much but I suspect he'll try to get yappy as he gets more comfortable with us. I'll try my best to correct this if it happens, but how do you discipline a six pound dog? If I yell at him he might break.
Oliver's former owners, geniuses that they were, failed to housebreak him. I mean, come on. This dog is eight months old. Peeing on the linoleum is officially "not cute" by the time a puppy is ten weeks old. They also failed to have a veterinarian fix his horribly impacted baby teeth. He had surgery to pull four of his teeth last week and he's recovering wonderfully. He's also improving with the housetraining issue every day. He's a smart guy and I think we'll have him pooping in public like a civilized dog in no time at all.
Officially, we are still fostering him, but that's only because my boss wants to give us time to make 100% sure that he'll fit into our household. It will become official in a week or so - I'll keep ya updated!!

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